Behr Sweet & Sour P320-7 paint color

Behr Sweet & Sour P320-7

Name:Sweet & Sour

What color is Behr Sweet & Sour?

Immerse yourself in the delightful warmth of Behr Sweet & Sour (P320-7) - a vibrant shade that exudes energy and joy. This bold citrusy hue is perfect for injecting life into any space, from a cheerful kitchen to a lively playroom. Imagine waking up to the sunny glow of Sweet & Sour in your bedroom or adding a pop of color to your home office for that extra creative spark. Let this invigorating color brighten your living room or dining area, creating a welcoming and uplifting atmosphere for you and your guests to enjoy. Embrace the zest of Behr P320-7 Sweet & Sour and infuse your home with a burst of happiness.

What are Behr Sweet & Sour undertones?

The undertone of Sweet & Sour can be accurately described as a Yellow hue, as is apparent from the color space provided. By isolating the pure hue and eliminating any tints, tones, and shades, we were able to precisely determine its undertone. This approach has proven to be more accurate than traditional methods of defining undertones on a white background, which are now considered outdated.


HEX value

HEX value:


RGB code:

201, 170, 55

Coordinating colors.
Colors that go with Behr Sweet & Sour:

Monochromatic color scheme

Monochromatic color scheme

This scheme consists of various shades, tints, and tones of a single color. While it offers a perfect combination of hues, without accent decor, it may become monotonous.

Lighter shades

Darker shades

Sweet & Sour

Complementary color scheme

Complementary color scheme

This color scheme is a combination of two shades that are opposite each other on the color wheel. The high contrast between these colors creates a vibrant and dynamic visual effect. For the color Sweet & Sour with a orange hue, complementary colors are those with a blue hue close to 227, such as Behr Extreme and Upscale.