Alternative colors to Antiqued Aqua

Paints matching Antiqued Aqua by Benjamin Moore

We found 4 closest paint color matches to Antiqued Aqua CSP-705

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Benjamin Moore CSP-705 Antiqued Aqua

h: 173, s: 26, v: 62

LRV: 31.73%

NCS S 3020-B60G

h: 174, s: 26, v: 64

more blue
same saturation
NCS S 3020-B60G
Open color review
Open paint color NCS S 3020-B60G

NCS S 3020-B70G

h: 174, s: 26, v: 64

more blue
same saturation
NCS S 3020-B70G
Open color review
Open paint color NCS S 3020-B70G

Behr Tower Bridge / S440-4

h: 180, s: 23, v: 63

LRV: 30.21%

more blue
less saturated
looks darker
Behr Tower Bridge / S440-4
Open color review
Open paint color Behr Tower Bridge / S440-4

NCS S 3020-B90G

h: 160, s: 26, v: 64

more green
same saturation
NCS S 3020-B90G
Open color review
Open paint color NCS S 3020-B90G