Alternative colors to Gleeful

Paints matching Gleeful by Sherwin Williams

We found 2 closest paint color matches to Gleeful SW 6709

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Sherwin Williams SW 6709 Gleeful

h: 58, s: 34, v: 85

LRV: 65.69%

RAL Effect RAL 240-1

h: 55, s: 34, v: 86

LRV: 62.92%

more orange
same saturation
looks darker
RAL Effect RAL 240-1
Open color review
Open paint color RAL Effect RAL 240-1

NCS S 1030-G70Y

h: 60, s: 34, v: 84

more yellow
same saturation
NCS S 1030-G70Y
Open color review
Open paint color NCS S 1030-G70Y